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Get business profile keywords



This endpoint lets you view the monthly Google Business Profile search keywords for all your businesses subscribed to Presence Management.

To access the analytics of a business, you need to:

  • have READ access on it
  • have subscribed to Presence Management for this business.
  • You can access the search keywords from Google Business Profile.

The analytics on search keywords are made available by Google Business Profile on a monthly basis.

You will receive the following metrics:

  • count: The sum of the number of unique users that used the keyword in a month
  • threshold: A threshold value indicating that the actual value is less than the threshold. Google Business Profile typically displays for search keywords that were used less than 15 times in a month.

You can use the following filters:

  • by businesses (businesses id in list, and restricted to one business when using the keyword dimension.)
  • by date (analytics before and/or after a date)

The response can be aggregated by:

  • business id
  • by date: month or year
  • both business id and date

The response can be ordered by:

  • business id
  • by date: month, or year

The response can be ordered in ascending or descending order by any of the selected dimensions or metrics.


Query Parameters

    metrics string[]required

    Possible values: [count, threshold]

    List of analytics to return. At least one in that list.

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Page of items to fetch

    per_page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Number of items per page.

    business__in string[]

    Limit results to a specific businesses

    dimensions string[]

    Possible values: [business, keyword, month, year]

    How the returned data will be aggregated. At most 'business' and one time dimensions of the list. If no dimension is given, the request will return the sum of each metric for all requested days and businesses.

    Example: [keyword, month]
    order_by string

    Where the object is either a dimension or a metric and is used in the request. At most one in the list.

    • before a field to order_by DESC, nothing for ASC
    Example: -count
    filter_date__gte date

    Filter by date

    Return all the analytics whose date >= given_date.

    filter_date__lte date

    Filter by date.

    Return all the analytics whose date <= given_date.



    page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Current page

    max_page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Max page based on current per_page value and count

    count integerrequired

    Default value: 0

    Number of items per page.




  • Array [

  • business_id string
    keyword string

    The lower-cased string that the user entered.

    This is present only if the "keyword" dimension is in the request.

    count number

    An aggregation of monthly keyword search count values.

    The count values indicates the number of unique users that used the keyword in a month.

    threshold number

    An aggregation of monthly threshold values.

    The threshold value indicates that the real count of unique users that used the keyword is below this value.

    date date

    First day of the aggregation

    bucket string

    Time aggregation requested

  • ]
