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This endpoint lets you browse through all your Posts.


Query Parameters

    business__in string[]

    Limit results to a specific businesses

    start_datetime string

    Filters Posts based on their start datetime.

    The start datetime represents the moment on which a Post of type event/offer will become available. In case of Posts of type news, the start_datetime it will be compared to the creation date of the Post, as the field is not present in this context.

    Example: 2020-11-06T23:59:59
    end_datetime string

    Filter Posts based on their end datetime.

    The end datetime represents the date on which the Post of type event/offer will expire. In case of Posts of type news, the end_datetime it will be compared to exactly one week after the creation date of the Post, as the field is not present in this context.

    Example: 2020-11-06T23:59:59
    summary string

    Filter Posts based on their description.

    It returns Posts that contain in their description the given string. The text does not have to match perfectly.

    Example: Wonderful post summary!
    topic_type__in string[]

    Possible values: [standard, event, offer, alert]

    Filter Posts based on a list of different types.

    state__in string[]

    Possible values: [live, to_configure, pending, scheduled, error, expired]

    Filter Posts based on their description.

    It returns Posts that contain in their description the given string. The text does not have to match perfectly.

    platform__in string[]

    Possible values: [google_my_business, facebook, instagram]

    Filter Posts based on a list of different platforms.



    page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Current page

    max_page integerrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Max page based on current per_page value and count

    count integerrequired

    Default value: 0

    Number of items per page.




  • Array [

  • id integerrequired
    post_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [standard, event, offer, alert]

    summary stringrequired

    Main text content of the post.

    business_id string
    title string

    The title of the post

    start_at string

    For either event or offer post type. Defined when it start. Timezone is defined by the business timezone.

    end_at string

    For either event or offer post type. Defined when it end. Timezone is defined by the business timezone.

    schedule_time string

    Date when the Post will be published. No scheduled start time means that the Post will be published immediately.



    The photo that will be on the Post

  • Array [

  • media_url string

    URL of the image displayed with the post.

  • ]

  • created_at date-time
    updated_at date-time
    business_info string

    name and address of the business that the post is related to.



    Statistics related to the posts on the different platforms.

    ⚠️ Due to a Google deprecation, on 20/02/2023, Google views and counts won't be available anymore. Old insights will still be sent. Facebook ones will still be available.

  • Array [

  • name string

    Possible values: [google_my_business__posts, facebook__posts, instagram__posts]

    Publisher related to the post

    click_count integer

    number of times a user has clicked on the post.

    view_count integer

    number of times the post has been viewed.

  • ]

  • post_status


    Status related to the posts on the different platforms.

  • Array [

  • name string

    Possible values: [google_my_business__posts, facebook__posts, instagram__posts]

    Publisher related to the post

    state string

    Possible values: [live, to_configure, pending, scheduled, error, expired]

    The state of the post, indicating at which lifecycle stage it is currently.

    link string

    Link displayed in the post to redirect the client clicking on it.

  • ]

  • offer_terms string

    Terms and conditions of the offer

    offer_code string

    Offer code that is usable in store or online

    cta_link string

    Link displayed in the post to redirect the client clicking on it.

    cta_type string

    Possible values: [book, order, shop, learn_more, sign_up, call, no_cta]

    The type of the post to be created. Some type mig.

  • ]
