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Get business by id



Retrieve a business by its id


Path Parameters

    business_id stringrequired



    id uuidrequired

    Unique ID of the guest

    access_group_id stringnullable

    Access group id that the business belongs to

    auto_accept_booking_limit integernullable

    Max number of guest in a booking that the business can auto accept

    bio stringnullable

    Business bio

    city stringnullable

    City where the business is located

    country stringnullable

    Country where the business is located

    country_code stringnullable

    Country code of the business

    currency stringnullable

    Currency of the business

    email stringnullable

    Email of the business

    facebook_url stringnullable

    Facebook page of the business

    latitude doublenullable

    Latitude of the business

    longitude doublenullable

    Longitude of the business

    has_reservations booleannullable

    If the business has reservations enabled

    instagram_url stringnullable

    Instagram page of the business

    logo_url stringnullable

    Logo of the business

    max_reservation_size integernullable

    Max number of guests in a reservation

    min_time_before_reservation integernullable

    Min time before a reservation can be made

    name stringnullable

    Name of the business

    phone stringnullable

    Phone number of the business

    post_code stringnullable

    Post code of the business

    slug stringnullable

    Slug of the business

    state stringnullable

    State where the business is located

    street stringnullable

    Street where the business is located

    tagline stringnullable

    Tagline of the business

    time_of_stay integernullable

    Default duration of reservation in seconds

    time_slots integernullable

    Number of time slots available for booking

    timezone stringnullable

    Timezone of the business

    floor_plan_unit_name stringnullable

    Name of the floor plan unit

    floor_plan_unit_style stringnullable

    Possible values: [Style 1, Style 2]

    Style of the floor plan uni

    website_url stringnullable

    Website of the business

    youtube_url stringnullable

    Youtube page of the business

    cover_photo_url stringnullable

    Cover photo of the business

    photo_urls string[]required




    monday string[]required
    tuesday string[]required
    wednesday string[]required
    thursday string[]required
    friday string[]required
    saturday string[]required
    sunday string[]required