Operations about businesses
📄️ Get API users permitted businesses
Returns a list of businesses that are allowed for API user
📄️ Return a Business
Return a Business
📄️ Delete a Business
Delete a Business
📄️ Update a business
Update a business
📄️ Get published businesses with similar location
Get published businesses with similar location
📄️ Get all invoices for specific business
Get all invoices for specific business
📄️ Get external service links for specific business
Get external service links for specific business
📄️ Get all deliveries for specific business
Get all deliveries for specific business
📄️ Get a delivery for specific business
Get a delivery for specific business
📄️ Create a business
Create a business record for current user
📄️ Connect given business to RPM.
Connect given business to RPM.
📄️ Disconnect the business from RPM.
Disconnect the business from RPM.
📄️ Update given business on RPM.
Update given business on RPM.
📄️ Return all exclusive suppliers for a specific business
Return all exclusive suppliers for a specific business
📄️ Return all members for specific business
Return all members for specific business
📄️ Return favorite suppliers for specific business
Return favorite suppliers for specific business
📄️ Return preferred partners for specific business
Return preferred partners for specific business
📄️ Return all business partners used to make orders
Return all business partners used to make orders
📄️ Return all orders for specific business
Return all orders for specific business
📄️ Return all supplier orders for specific business
Return all supplier orders for specific business
📄️ Return Orkestro delivery price.
Return Orkestro delivery price.
📄️ Upload business menu to hubrise catalog
Upload business menu to hubrise catalog
📄️ Download catalog for business from Hubrise
Download catalog for business from Hubrise
📄️ Return all privatisations for specific business
Return all privatisations for specific business
📄️ Return all payments for orders within specific business
Return all payments for orders within specific business
📄️ Return all reservations for specific business
Return all reservations for specific business
📄️ Return all tables for specific business
Return all tables for specific business
📄️ Return all subscriptions for specific business
Return all subscriptions for specific business
📄️ Return all clients for specific business
Return all clients for specific business
📄️ Return all guests for specific business
Return all guests for specific business
📄️ Create a guest
Create a guest
📄️ Get a guest
Return guest for specific business
📄️ Delete a guest
Delete a guest
📄️ Update a guest
Update a guest
📄️ Return all reservations for given guest for specific business
Return all reservations for given guest for specific business
📄️ Return all floor plans for specific business
Return all floor plans for specific business
📄️ Create a floor plan
Create a floor plan
📄️ Get a floor plan
Return floor plan for specific business
📄️ Delete a floor plan
Delete a floor plan
📄️ Update a floor plan
Update a floor plan
📄️ Create business open hours
Create business open hours
📄️ Update business open hours
Update business open hours
📄️ Create special open hours
Create special open hours
📄️ Delete special open hours
Delete special open hours
📄️ Update special open hours
Update special open hours
📄️ Create booking open hours
Create booking open hours
📄️ Update booking open hours
Update booking open hours
📄️ Update Bookings Settings
Update Bookings Settings of given business
📄️ Today's worst selling dishes for specific business
Today's worst selling dishes for specific business
📄️ Return revenue breakdown for dashboard
Return revenue breakdown for dashboard
📄️ Get business earnings
Return sum of today's earnings compared to sum of yesterday's earnings
📄️ Get best sales for a business
Today's best selling dishes for specific business
📄️ Return average ticket size values for dashboard
Return average ticket size values for dashboard
📄️ Update Business State
Update State of given business